Get Informed

A change from Shoreline Residential (SR2) to Rural (RU) zoning in Algonquin Highlands would significantly expand the permitted uses. Based on the township official plan, here's what could be allowed:

Agricultural Uses:

  • Livestock operations
  • Cash crops
  • Greenhouse operations
  • Farm Produce Outlet
  • Agricultural processing facilities

Commercial Uses:

  • Cemetary
  • Equestrian Faclity
  • Commercial Kennel
  • Small-scale industrial operations
  • Storage facilities
  • Portable Asphalt Plant

Residential Changes:

  • Accessory dwelling
  • Group home
  • Bed and Breakfast
  • Home Indusrty
  • Larger accessory buildings

Resource Uses:

  • Forestry operations
  • Small-scale resource extraction
  • Wood processing

Once rezoned, any future owner could pursue these uses without needing additional rezoning (though some might need site plan approval). This is particularly concerning because:

  • You can't control who buys the property in the future
  • The zoning stays with the land, not the owner
  • Even if the owner currently only wants a hobby farm, either they or future owners could pursue any permitted rural use going forward
  • Some uses could be even more damaging to the lake than the currently proposed hobby farm

This could set a dangerous precident that effects all our waterways.

WE Hope that you will take the time to 


Take Action!

If we unite to amplify our voices, we can prevent the destruction of our lakes. Please take a moment to sign the petition and consider donating. You can also reach out to the mayor and councillors to express your concerns through phone calls, emails, and letters.

Let’s talk