Why were no environmental studies required of the applicant prior to the September 5th, 2024 council meeting?
Why did it take dozens of people to raise environmental concerns to the township and council to insist on an environmental study before one was requested at the September 5th council meeting?
Why were no clear Terms of Reference asked for as part of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS)?
Why was the application signed by the township as complete and accurate when there was no mention of a Hobby Farm (on the form), which was the reason for wanting the RU designation?
Why would the township even consider the application, given the waterfront and environmentally protected designations?
Why would the desires of one family outweigh the environmental concerns raised by hundreds of other people?
Why have the many bylaw infractions continued to be ignored under the Shoreline Residential (SR2) zoning? Some of these infractions are listed below:
For more information refer to the Official Plans and the Bylaws.
The County of Haliburton Official Plan
The Township of Algonquin Highlands Official Plan
The Township of Algonquin Highlands Clean and Clear Bylaw
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